Wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up so i can try to kill you again.


M said…
ha... Its in the air.
M said…
& under ur skin too..
expressome said…
hello to beknighted.....
hello to beknigted...

no reply
Ozair said…
lets hope this person doesnt ever wake .... for his/her own sake... :)
Anonymous said…
nopes,not all that easy to awaken someones head till they do it themselves.and when they do ull never have the heart to send em back.harder still when ur shaken and waken only to be kicked in the gut.meanwhile ,u need to write more so chronically insomniac people like myself can read what ur thinking and feel better.it helps , it does, ur stuff.
nice - sounds like you're talking to your own soul or heart (or ability to love), rather than to someone else.
Reej Q said…
please share the thought behind that statement too ;)
Jugal said…
A friend wrote this:
"Good morning sir, this bullet is the magnitude of my gratitude!"

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