
Riptearshred out of place to make space for a new face but she fights back she has the knack for lasting and casting shadows so long you will never belong to any one else.

Its all in my head, its all in my head its all in my head its all in my head its all in my head its all in my head.

No one else will ever see or know or do what is expected of you to spare you the horror of failing and feeling like you could ever belong to anyone else.

Potentially, life is fucking beautiful. And god is mercy incarnate. The shit has turned to rose water right before hitting the fan and there's a downpour of fragrant benediction which you don't need an umbrella for. Divided and united and divided in an instant of intense ecstasy with someone i could become but its no good to me Goddamn it, its no fucking good to me because when you aimed your love soaked spear you were aiming at who i used to be...


mysh said…
It'll take more sometime... Meanwhile u don't even have to try.
M said…
It'll take some more time... Meanwhile u don't even have to try.

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