

For it all comes rushing back,


To witness the rainbow missing from my sky.

Blink again.

To find their halos strangling the angels.

And in between?

Resumed normalcy from the grip of your laughter stigmatizing my consciousness like blood stains on linen.


A quick gaze back at the mole on your right breast.


A fire rekindled only in my memories.


To find you lighting up the night sky with your smiles.


To see the darkness that descended anyway.

And in between?

Everything that constitutes my existence.

I live between blinks now.

And in them?



discopapaya said…
To find you lighting up the night sky with your smiles.


theres a wistful smile playing on my lips.
neurotica said…
your blog is so full of words, i like reading it through. :)
n you have such an interesting blog name... phitaymaun. lolls.

thank for your comments,
Rude Awakenings said…
A knife through my heart, and then a twist. Your words and my bleeding heart.

Argh. You're too good to see it yourself. I know I tend to always drip and drool due to your words but such is the power of the intensity potrayed.
In the darkness you glow.

naked feet said…
you're not too bad yourself :)

the question of course is not HOW.. its WHY

Samar Owais said…
Hey, thanx for stopping by. Have to say i'm not a poetry buff and only read the your latest post [I can only digest one poem at a time]...and it's good stuff. Maybe i like it because it doesn't really rhyme or maybe because I actually understood most of it. Your writings have a hint of dark humour. Me likes.
Mandatory compliment returned=)

P.S: You're not the only one commenting about the pink-ness of my blog. Major eye sore isn't it? Hehe
Xeb said…
*blink blink* :p
Rude Awakenings said…
ok bitch, whrs ur new post?
am waiting and my wounds r not healing.. so hurry up and seal a deal... to tape another one up.
Phitaymaun said…
DP: I’m thankful for your wistful smile, it kinda mimics mine.

Neurotica: You’re very welcome. And I hope you like being here, please do leave comments on the old posts if you feel compelled to, finding new comments on old posts is like finding cleverly hidden easter eggs.

Sugar” Thank you for your flowing compliments :P I would be honored if you find some semblance of entertainment in my ramblings, welcome to Phitaymaun.

Sonia: In the darkness I glow? Like a glow-in-the dark sticker? Or like a fire fly? I’d much rather sink deeper into the darkness and become one with the night though.
As always your beautiful appreciation is much appreciated.

NF: You have been addressed in response to this comment on your blog so you will eb unceremoniously ignored here. But I will render a genteel bow to your kindness.

Extiinct: Hmm since you don’t like poetry you prolly liked this because it ain’t poetry.
And yes your blog is quite migraine inducing. I’m overly sensitive to bright colors, orange makes me puke.

Xeb: so are you. *no blinks*

Sonia: You called me a bitch!!!! Damn.

Sam: :D That was… WOW! Ijust read that and felt a thrill rise up to my head. Thankyou.
I will be updating your link as soon as my internet connections stops being anal and lets me save template changes.

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