...But make it rhyme.

<>Bite and burn
See if you can turn
Into the demon
You think I have become
Rock and roll
See if you can fold
Your heart into
The shape of a soul
The shape of a soul?
Is it like a tootsie roll?
Or maybe like a grave?
Or just some random hole?
Cut and bleed and see
If you can meet
The maker or the faker
Or the earth shaker
Where the fuck did I take her
For our very first date?
Was it down to her knees?
Or up to my face?
Up to my face?
Up to my face
Is an angel singing grace?
Brace yourself baby
This is just a nasty phase
May be a bad trip
Hang on and get a grip
We’ll be over this soon
We’ll be over this soon
I can almost see you swoon
At the sight of the full moon
Your glazed eyes glower
At the growling lawn mower
Do you think it’s alive?
Do you think it’s gonna bite?
Bite and burn baby
Take your turn baby
You’re gonna come baby
You’ve got to come.
Come to the end
Of a precarious bend
A bad fashion trend
A tad heaven sent
But mostly allegoric
And a bit metaphoric
A little sulfuric
A little phosphoric
Primarily obscure
Meaningless rhetoric - al
Eloquence is wasted
On a dumb animal
My lips have tasted
The barely bearable
You breathe obscenities
And I sweat lust
We’re meant to baby
And thus we must
Crash and burn
Live and learn
To every season
There’s a turn turn turn
So bite and burn baby
And see if you can turn
In to the demon
You think
I have
Take your time baby
Take your sweet time
Ramble on baby...

*Woo hoo! Its final! i have officially lost my mind.


Sky High said…
It's great to let it out,every once in a while,or else everything starts feeling stuffy.Cheers,keep swooning!
Majaz said…
A mixture of teen favorites and a lot of acerbic crap once again.

You've done again.... Phitaymaun.

Majaz said…

Not trying to change the way you write.
Phitaymaun said…
falsa queen: Falsa queen? Does that indicate your ability pack the fruit away by the boat load or that you are the actual ruling monarch of Flsalworld? Either way, hate the fruit but love your moniker. Kudos. And thankee eventhough some ppl would argue that i vent entirely too much for my own good considering that this blog is 90 % remorse incarnate and the rest is meaningless.

Majaz: Hey i'm saying true to my word up thiere in teh blog description, ain't i? Talk about ethical practices. The Macdonalds people stand to learn a lot from this example, thier burgers never look like the picture while i continue to dole out acerbic crap by the spades, just as promised.

*Chuckle* Thankyou though, for your continued interest in the acerbic crap blog. But i suppose now you have a fraternal bond with this blog considering how 'acerbic crap' is your brain child. Much thanks for that by the way, owe ya one.
expressome said…
rhyming shyming?
Sky High said…
Falsa..for me are childhood summers.Tangy berries on my tongue,make me nostalgic,but hey people don't need excuses to delve into nostalgia.It takes you away when you least want to be escorted.So falsa are a state of mind-sigh-
discopapaya said…
its ok, most of us have.

blame it on the summer, blame it on the heat. blame it on the words or blame it on the weed.

heh, guess what. i rhyme too.
Majaz said…

I seldom blog hop. There are very few blogs I regularly read and those belong to the people I know personally. Other than that there are few blogs that I see which have come across me by either reference of someone or if someone has randomly left a comment on my blog.

Yours is this last kind. (Hope that don't make you sound extinct.)

You don't owe me anything. You only owe it to yourself and your thousands of awestruck fans out there to be original. And avoid monotony. Coz that's gonna get boring, no matter how acerbic your crap is. So beware that the next tag line shouldn't be, "Monotony. Population 2200."

Keep your head in the game. That's all I'm tryin to tell you. Peace.
Ozair said…

i love rymhing words!!


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