A poem for beginnings.

I could perhaps say

Like lovers often do

That I will love you forever

Or Always, perhaps?

But if I were to gauge the extent

Of a limitless sensation

And I chose to use

These barometers for measure

I might just be lying

For I failed to notice the last time

I learnt how long forever lasts

Or how long always takes

Before it runs into an end.

I don’t know the extent of an eternity

Or the depth of an infinity

Or can recall ever feeling either one

Or hear them echo beyond

The limits of life

And of death

Or of the walls that define


And graves

And the beaches that hold the seas contained.

But stand upon that beach

And look out over to the horizon

And grasp the distance

From our feet to the edge of our ability to see

And I promise you this

That If we were to embark on a journey,

To the end of this mutual horizon,

Where the sky gently runs into the water

To mate,

Or perhaps, just

To meet,

I would love you till the end of that journey

If that journey ever ends

Or if we run out of horizons.

If you feel that’s enough

If you deem that aplenty

Then come let’s learn

How long forever lasts

Or when always ends

Or if I can love you



Anonymous said…
All the freaky people make the beauty of the world
Majaz said…
'To mate'...?

I mean.. wha?

It was going pretty smooth until then.

And do you only get people who praise you all the time?
majaz, would you prefer 'to fuck', then?

just curious.

i liked it...as usual.
Rude Awakenings said…

fine, i'm not know to be a constructive critic, but u've jus blown it this time.

given this emotion called love another level, that no other moral dare touch.

i reclaim u the king, my lord.

great to read ur stuff after ages.
Majaz said…
I'd prefer something less mundane, I guess.
Sadaff said…
I actually liked it. It was one that made me read all the way and leave it midway. It was very expressive and seemed complete in a really odd way. long story short, lovely words for 'lovely' starts.

M said…
Oh i so agree wid majaz.. frankly :) even i wz tired of wah-wahing him all the time..


And yet..

hahaha u knw wot sajjad. i never recoil frm my words. u stil deserve the mail i sent u... the addiction persists.

i cant relate to it, n its rare tht i agree wid ur posts on da 'feeling called love', n its not even one of those rare tyms.

And yet..

(dun worry u have plenty to fill those blanks for u)

p.s. hope u dun think me as discourteous as i appear to sound.
Phitaymaun said…
Potame: So you'd qualify as beautiful huh? Btw your screen name reminds me of this chinese jpint in west virginia with the meanest chinese person i've ever known. She'd snarl at us desis as sono as we'd walk in. For good reason too, 7 of us would order t wo drinks because they gave free refills. Oh well.

Majaz: No buddy, you do a pretty good job of not fawning all over my words. What didn't you like about mate? It't not intended to sound like hippos getting thier freaka on you know, git yur mind outta the cesspool of animal debauchery. Anywho, there was luci before you who always tried to diss me and mny posts, she finally gave up and left, then i had anon haters aplenty, they too seem to have moved on to more constructive things. I wonder how long you and your crusade of making the content on this blog change will last. Good luck MATE! Oh btw, i know you don't really hate what i write you just hate good writing being wasted on bitching and whining. Right?

S: Muchos Gracias. And be kind to Majaz, he/she is just trying to be different. You know? Like Nemo.

Sonia: Its GREAT to have you back here and commenting. I missed your relentless ability to relate and read into what i write beyond what is rendered in words. Welcome back hon.

MAjaz: The critic Recurs. Okay yeha i know i read both yoru comments before responding but its more fun if we treat comments like conversation. Anyhow mundane huh? Sorry to disappoint you will try harder next time. Mundanities after all aren't acerbic.

Sadaf: You missed out on a word or two in yoru comment. BUt i gather the purpose of your coment, much to Majaz's consternation, was praise. I thank you.

Mysh: Okay see, dissing someone just cuz yur tired of appreciating them is just wrong. Wait for me to fuck up, i'm bound to. And no you don't sound discourteous just vague, and a bit confusing. But than that's your angle, right?
Majaz said…
lol. Mundanities can be really acerbic. But I'm going in a different direction now. :)

And sadly you have me all wrong. I have nothing 'against' your writing per se. I don't have anything against a casual bit of venting either (God knows my blog's guilty of it) - but I do have a thing against monotony. Gets boring ... even if it is praise.

I liked the Nemo comment. Now that was original. At least not an attempt in trying to weep yourself into the unknown about the realities of lurvv.

All the best,

Phitaymaun said…
Dory? Yur name's Dory? Like the thing you fly kites with? Cool. Very original.
Lets get something straight here, Dory, i'm glad you come to my blog and read what i write. I'm even mildly amused by your attempts to make me change my tone but really i don't know what lead you to believe or expect that this blog was set up for your entertainment?
Majaz said…

Obviously you haven't seen Finding Nemo. Otherwise you would have grasped my lame attempt at repertoire.

And khuda ke wastay. Don't take my comments seriously. If I drop a comment does that mean you're supposed to change the way you write!?!? Geez!!

Commenting what I feel when I read your stuff is what I'm thinking when your comment box pops open. Period. I don't plan to change the acerbic crap. The world is quite enough, thank you.

But waitaminit.. doesn't this entire facade mean you do take my comments to heart?

An advice: don't.
discopapaya said…
erm. just for help.

dory = name of the little blue fish in finding nemo.
M said…

God no sajjad.. i cant diss sumthin im soo addicted to :p

i luv ur writing n ur protrayal of words. jus dun agree or may be dun want to wid a few things mentioned. n lyk u said i wz vague.. i wznt dissing n i didnt wanna praise ur poem for xyz reasons.

And yet i lykd it...

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