aik aur tag

Yeah Hira has done it again, and i thought she didn't hate me.
This timeI must disclose 6 unspectacular quirks of mine which i'm sure no one can possibly be interested in knowing but since blogs are nothing but an exercise in narcissism, why shouldn't one go on and on and on about one's self irrespective of how useless or pointless it may be. I'm sorry, sometimes tags are interesting but this is one is a bit much. Anyhow, here they are then, my quirky but unspectacular factoids:

1. I'm extremely paranoid when it comes to locking doors. Before leaving my house I check the door multiple times and yet I'm always running back up the drive way with the car idling at the gate to confirm that I did lock it.

2. The dark I can handle well enough but I can't sleep in absolute silence. In the winters I keep the bathroom exhaust fan running to provide background noise.

3. I prefer eating alone.

4. One of my favorite pass times it taking apart electronic equipment and putting it back together. The more complicated the instrument the more fun I have disassembling it. And if it doesn't work after I put it back together I pretend as if it was broken in the first place.

5. I'd rather have a fever than a headache.

6. I name my cars.

So there.


Majaz said…

And major psychologist shout @ no. 1.

Dude, time to get therapy. Asap!!!
Unknown said…
i love your quirks. they're actually QUIRKS.
Majaz said…
Why is everything green?

Found the pot o' gold, did ye?
Phitaymaun said…
M: Haina? and to think that i have only exposed the 'unspectacular' wala fact. Wait till you learn of my BPD and schizophrenic tendencies :P

H: Okay that comment just made my entire spiel against Tags totally redundant :)

M: No, no pot of gold. More like excess bile to pain the blog with. No likie? Needed change and it was far easier to just change the colors than the whole damn skin,
Majaz said…
You schizophrenic lunatic. One would expect a better color than a sickened green from you.
kAy said…
i prefer eating alone too.
its reassuring to hear i'm not alone on that- people love eating together usually.

i can't seep in complete silence either. silence is too loud.
stillness and silence...big no no's.

i knew we had similarities!
and since everyone is commenting on the colour, i shall too:
last time i came here everything was were angry.
now everything is green- have you (literally) cooled down?
junoesque said…
so what's her name ?

Xeb said…
1. I share the lock phobia. I keep messaging people back home (in NY) to check if my door is locked. And if I am the last person to leave my house (in Khi) I keep wondering if I've been asinine enough to leave it open, thereby being the reason why it will (inevitably) be robbed by the time I get home.

2. I can't sleep in absolute silence either. I prefer not to sleep in darkness if I can help it. In fact, I go to bed with ALL the lights on primarily because I'm too lazy to bother with shutting them and they really don't bother me anyway.

3. I HATE eating alone. I'd rather not eat. And if I really had to, then I'd eat while reading a book.

4. Electronic equipment and I don't go together. I inevitably destroy every electronic thing I come across.

5. Agreed. If have to choose between one, I'd go for the fever.

6. You be a man. I think they all do.

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