tagaliciously tagless

For the record, I’m not a fan of being tagged. Which is why I never tag people either and to hell with convention I will not be tagging anyone on this either. But since I’ve been tagged by Hira I have no recourse but to comply. Why couldn’t this be about the 13 freaking cars of my dreams, huh?

So here it goes.:
The McCains own 13 cars, eight homes and have access to a corporate jet. If you were as insanely rich as them, where would your eight homes be and why? The only rule is: The homes must be within the borders of the country you live in, so as to utterly emulate the McCains.When you’re done, tag 8 people, so that they may join in the self-indulgence, forgetting about the crappy property market and the equivalent of The End of Pompeii on Wall-Street. You could spend your time hammering your doors and windows shut in preparation for the Apocalypse, but this meme is so much more fun!

1) Lahore. Because its home. Always has been, always will be. A sprawling mansion/farm house at the outskirts would make for a nice little cocoon.
2) Islamabad. Even if this post wasn’t restricted to just the ‘Stan, isloo would still have warranted a mention because I love that city. Its so sterile (compared to the rest of the country at least) and that jungle pana in the middle of perfectly planned civilization is just bloody awesome for someone looking for solitude without giving up on creature comforts like broad band and cheese burgers altogether. I’m thinking somewhere around peer sohava would make for a nice little summer retreat.
3) Karachi. Though it smells like dead fishies and it looks like hell, its got the beach… and i’ve always wanted a high rise pent house by a beach so there.
4) Bakkhar. Because at night it’s perfectly silent there. And when I say perfectly I am not exaggerating.
5) Naran. To be more exact, over looking Saif-ul-malook. They say fairies dance along its shore every full moon. I would like that fairy discotheque to be my back yard.
6) Hunza. A small cabin. Nothing fancy, nothing even remotely outrageous. For reconnecting with the simplest things in life.
7) Quetta. I even know which house. Dad’s ancestral home, abandoned eons ago when the family scattered all over the world. It’s old and dilapidated but it’s where Dad grew up and that’s enough of a reason to own it even if I never live there.
8) Nanga Parbat. Screw why I would, tell me why the hell I should not?

Okay so no tags, I don’t like people hating me. Which makes this exercise an entirely redundant one but whatever.


Unknown said…
i tagged you again!!! ha ha! don't you just hate me?
Majaz said…
Ohhhh nooooooooooooooooooo!!

What will the world DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO without your "taggalicious" posts???!?!


You really do make angels cry, Sajjad, with your utter sadness.

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