Independence 2.0
Now this is funny!
So funny in fact that it has somehow made me relent long
enough to let me rise up, up, up to
the surface again.
It’s also somewhat… weird, to be honest. And not the good
kind of weird that makes you raise an eyebrow in wonderment. It’s the other
kind, the almost unpleasant one. The one that makes your ears ring and your
heart sink and your throat go dry.
But, it’s also familiar. Very, familiar. Like an ex who was
more a friend than a lover. The one who knew
you and who you still know. Like
a memory .The best one.
And perhaps it’s that last bit right there which is why I am
here after longer than it would seem to most... because here is still where I
come to feel.
The weather outside is delightful. Its autumn in Lahore and
from the third story window of my new ‘home’ it could almost pass for Houston; that
is, if one were to stab his/her eyes, one by one, with an ice pick and look
through the blood and mutilated membrane. But as gruesome as that may sound,
understand that it’s the closest that Lahore has EVER been to passing for
Houston, and it’s enough.
this happens to be the opening lines of one of my posts - sitting in drafts.
Hope you're doing well.