Naukar in love

He was charmed by the way she swept the porch.

The way her limber legs would carry her across the entire length of concrete from front door to gate without ever standing up or taking a step. As if she floated on a pocket of air like an angel or glided across the water like a swan. And the incessant swish of the jharu carrying the water away with each perfect swing of her arms was no less enrapturing than the tinkling of payal clad foot steps.

He would climb the araucaria tree in our porch to watch her perform this daily chore that became more a lover’s serenade than menial labor.

Their eyes met one day.

Him up amongst the branches, her down below squatting on her haunches.

She swung her head back and her dupatta dropped off her head exposing long craggy hair more breathtaking than any he had seen before. In the glare of the sun reflecting off her raven locks, he lost all conception of reality and let go of his hold on the tree. The fall hurt none at all. So beguiled was he by the dance of her hair in the slight morning breeze and the play of light in her eyes and the smile that snaked across her inhumanly thin lips. Most of all it was the smile that did him in. The smile that acquiesced to the fire burning in his heart. The smile that embraced his infatuation turning it into love.

And the rest as they say is history.

Or mystery rather.

Because when the neighbor lady called to complain about his antics his only response was denial. Citing instead his affection for their driver, swearing that the gifts that were the evidence against him were never meant for the maid. That the jelly bears and the jubilee bars were being shared with a friend rather than a beloved.

But alas the sorrow in his eyes, the shame on his face… the utter heartbreak in the way he stood slumped when the lady told him that the maid herself had lodged a complaint against him, was proof enough that he was yet another victim of feminine charms.

No more candies, no more bubble gum. No more stolen mangoes from our back yard to give to someone who seemed to like it once.

Now he stands head bowed, shoulders slumped, eyes red with stifled tears washing dishes at the basin.

And she sweeps the floors without anyone sneaking a peek through scorched leaves at her feline grace and forearm strength.

Who’s to say who was right and who was wrong?

There’s the honor of the household to be considered. Sure, the neighbor’s are responsible for the sanctity of the girl they have brought over from some obscure village. And we are certainly just as responsible for the man’s honor living amongst us. But, what right do we have to interfere with blossoming love?

Sure he’s married with a 4 year old daughter back in his village. But then he’s 20. He never got a chance. Yes we must inculcate in him the need to uphold the sanctity of marriage. He saves every penny he earns to be sent home for the welfare of his daughter and wife; he’s not an irresponsible husband. Is it really so wrong that he finally got smitten by someone? So wrong that we can’t even tolerate them sharing sweet nothings across a wall? Splitting jubilee bars in half and eating them at the same time across an iron gate?

Of course there is the case of the maid snitching on him, herself becoming bored with his advances which weren’t really advances as such. I mean seriously, a bag full of jamuns… but I’m not going to criticize his choices because you have to play the cards you’re dealt… so the girl got bored. Big deal, every woman pulls this stunt sooner or later, and then you go gunning back for her and she falls for your persistence and there you go, relationship back on track, This poor sod however has been threatened with the possibility of losing his job to keep from approaching the girl again. While the girl is in most probability sullen and disgruntled at the stupidity of her own move now that she is left with no admirers and no jamuns. Serves her right though, take what you want and then turn around and condemn the man you took it from just because it is no longer entertaining. For shame.

I look at my poor bawarchi and I can see a broken heart. Whether it is for the zaalim samaj that came between them or the women who betrayed him is anybody’s guess. But his heart lies broken, along with a bag full of jamuns that got tossed back over a wall.



expressome said…
very touching

Lets wait for the day the 'sweet nothings' become the 'deficient everything' for her
Rude Awakenings said…
Well written, and the questions you pondered over, important. I hate how "society" interfers in the business of others. The reasons they provide our beyond logic in my understanding. End of the day, things that need to happen will be made to happen. Though a love that could have been was lost, but not due to anyone else but coz of the two bodies involved.

Xeb said…
hahaha... it was hilarious when you told it to me... still funny but the tragedy cannot be ignored! Waisay I too feel sorry for the poor bawarchi, but chances are he was harassing the maid! :P
Trust me no amount of presents can cover up the fact that some guys are just plain ANNOYING! :P
Phitaymaun said…
Lady: You're a woman. How am i supposed to tell you how bad you are?

Express: Ouch. Such bitterness... guess who's suffering teh curse of the defecient nothings already? The bawarchee, she turned on him long before he would've had teh chnace to turn on her, if ever. Seeing how he is already married it was highly unlikley that the relationship would have blossomed into anything more relevant than what it was now.

Sonia: It is usually one of the two who calls it quits. Everything else is peripheral.

Xeb: Yes well as true as that may be, the fact remains that she had her fun at his expense. No matter which way you look at it what's mean is mean. I agree that it was her call and she made it. He doens't have teh right to push his affections on her if they are unwarranted, but when they go form being desired to being annoying over night owing to some midnight epiphany how is it the guys fault to still be stuck in yesterday. You have to give a signal, some warning, you don't just blindside someone with a change of heart.
women can be cats
Anonymous said…
you got too much time on your hands... and what about the jamuns he threw at his wife's when she was at her place cleaning the floor up. seriously, you wanna know real misery, try stopping an unstoppable bleed in the skull of a 7 moth old who's the first born of a couple after 10 years. kid's stuck with an incurable disease. i'm not undermining the pain of love or infatuation, i'm just telling you to stop dwelling on every broken heart...there is greater misery out there in the world than your own and the guy working in the kitchen...
Anonymous said…
and the lady servant prolly told on him so that he'd get the message that he couldn't get it on with her. YOU"RE ADVOCATING this guy''s 'love' when he's married and has a daughter. you realllly need to get a lot of fresh air buddy.
Anonymous said…
Xeb: Yes well as true as that may be, the fact remains that she had her fun at his expense. No matter which way you look at it what's mean is mean. I agree that it was her call and she made it. He doens't have teh right to push his affections on her if they are unwarranted, but when they go form being desired to being annoying over night owing to some midnight epiphany how is it the guys fault to still be stuck in yesterday. You have to give a signal, some warning, you don't just blindside someone with a change of heart. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< are you kidding is just about you you you and just your miserable love life. get over it! i'm so disgusted over the fact that you're not even considering how 'evil' it is of him to be married being a fucking father and checkin out the gurl next door. since he obviously doesn't know her...he prolly just wants to fuck her. physical attractiob...LUST! man i should close this window...its fucking pissing me off
Phitaymaun said…
oh welcome back anon. The moment you have the guts to put a name to your point of view will be the exact same moment your words will begin to mean anything to me. UNtill then, you're just some idiot who doesn't have anything better to do than find fault with me.
I don't think there is any need for me to explain myself to a phantom who is so caught up in her own pretentions of greatness that she/he can't understand any one elses point of view.
But rest assured, my dear anonymous hater, your opinions on me are based on a blog. And if you really think that is all there is to a person, its you who needs to get a lot of fresh air.

As for the bawarchi, i figured sooner or later someone would point a fingure at his affair being extra marital... i'm just sorry that it had to be some easily deluded phantom instead of one of my more articulate blogger buddies... but in any event the only reason i had anything to do with stopping his fling was because he was married. Otherwise i would've been playing chaperone to the love birds.
YOu completely missed the point of the whole post anon and went stright to passing judgment. That is the folly of the opinionated fool. You need to open you mind a little, and get yourself a heart. If it takes a haemophilic child to make you render your sympathies, i pity anyone who has ever given a damn about you.
SR said…
the title of the post actually made me laugh out loud.. you sure do have a great way with words.. very few people i have read so far have been able to touch me with their words..
naked feet said…
i once walked in on a 15 year old servant kid doing It with the 65 year old maasi in my cousins bedroom

other than being scarred for life, i have no idea why that incident makes me entire unsympathetic for your bawarchi (sorry)

maybe you're channeling your heartbreak onto him?
Phitaymaun said…
no need to apologize, i wasn't demanding sympathy for the bawarchi, simply reflecting my own.
The event that you have mentioned is sickening. 50 year age difference. They most have been seriously depraved. Damn.
That just so wrong. even worse than the 15 year old servant spying on one of my khallas while she bathed.
As for the heart break... i'm not. I dun need it channeled its quite complete as it is. I was simply sharing an interesting development in the life of a bawarchi.
Every love story has heart break in it, for a change i wanted to mention someone elses. Which albiet isn't much of a heartbreak, it was just a courtship gone wrong, but us writers must take liberties in order to add drama to an otherwise comical turn of events. I am infact for some idiotic reason glad that this post drew out all the varying reactions that it has, from lady's confusion about the evil that lurks within women, to anonymous's compounded hatred for me. Your own supposition about a hidden personal agenda behind the story is extremely gratifying.
Anonymous said…
you live in a world where the misery in the world worth mentioning, writing about, sharing it with others is the paind of a broken heart. as for your articulate blog buddies...its an ongoing trait we have in our genes.. everyone wants to be blindfolded to the realities of life. y'all wanna go on sulk... go ahead... i still stand by what i said, you need to get out of the house,'s important but if you really saw how much of it is left in this world, you wouldn't have a topic to write on anymore. and like always...typical typical typical of you, ignore the whole argument, 'its anonymous'..shit... get outta the house man... you're bawarchi is prolly just horny
Anonymous said…
I love the way you write.
Phitaymaun said…
what teh fuck? is thsi two diff anons or just one fucking with my head?
One goes your a loser get a life teh second goes i love your writing... is this the twilight zone or something?
fuckin eh
Phitaymaun said…
as for the hating anon, i dun give a rat's ass about how much love is left in the world, i have enough of it lasting with me to write about it. And yes i write about the misery invoked by love because what i want to write about. Doesn't mean i'm blind to the facts of life. You're welcome to think whatever you want to, you'll still only find raomantic illusion ripped to shreds on this blog.
Anonymous said…
wow...all this was thrilling...haha

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