of tempestuous rendezvous

Think, little girl

Before ending up in a mess

That you can’t even confess

Think before you pour yourself

Another stiff drink

Bottom’s up in a blink

Leap on off the brink

There’s nothing really left to take

From what you’ve left behind

It’s too late in the morning

To be thinking of last night

It’s like a hangover from chocolates

OD-ing on a rose

Get your tongue off your toes

Get your tongue off your toes

You been waiting for the wrong train

To bring you back home

Grab my hand I’ll take you where

Only silence roams

But think, little girl

Think before you leap

You could land on your head

Or crash on your feet

Bubble-wrap all your dreams

to keep them safe from life

And wait for someone to come

Who can better load the dice

Or grab my hand and let us begin

One hell of a ride

Into all the sins

And all the ills

That you really don’t want to find

It’s a second’s worth of caution

that bears a fruitless past

Do you really wanna hold dear

What was never meant to last?

So think, little girl

Think before you decide

Heaven lives on earth

And hell in my eyes

Think little girl

Before you make my day

Think little girl

And just look away

in memorium of the one who should have known better.


Rude Awakenings said…
where did this come from ???

: )
Ozair said…
oh!! i like the rhymes...

but pray do tell us of the "one who should have known better"

this post made me feel like drinking... :)
Anonymous said…
so i'm assuming that she has finally gotten married?

btw really nice piece of writing. very simple words... with a lot of meaning.

good luck surviving.

~silent observer
Barooq said…
tempestuous rendenvous... Ehhhh...
Toast to the thunder...my Quixote of love.
Samar Owais said…
Nice! I come here every now and then but this post has convinced me to become a regular. I is linking to your blog.

You have no idea how many people can/could relate to this post.
Phitaymaun said…
Sonia: History

Ozair: I would if i could, and i might one day. But for now she deserves her privacy, even in death.

Lady: Yeah i know why, and no i'm not telling. Not yet anyway.

Anon: No she isn't married yet, dudn even know if she is with someone else. But this post isn't about the ex. Its about someone else all together.

DP: YOu smile from beneath a thousand viels... where have you gone?

23: Quizote? Wasn't he the ultimate idealist, the most prolific of all losers? I think i should resent that comparison but whatever.

Wxtiinct: I really would have hoped something more well written had made you a regular. BUt welcome anyway, hopefully this blog will continue to be worth teh hassle of adding my link to your template.

Vicky: I don't speak french, so i googled what you wrote. Now i don't know whether you meant it is as praise or insult. Did you find this Exquisite or Overblown?
Viks said…
Haha - we here in Canada use it to praise really; so meant as in Exquisite!
Majaz said…
Better print that out and distribute in girls colleges everywhere.
kAy said…
"heaven lies on earth
and hell in my eyes"

talk about tempting a girl
to take the leap without looking back even once.

ps: i dont hit ure soil again for at least a full year...and then again, i may or i may not.
we miss out on chances sometimes without even being aware of it.
3rd avenue said…
this could easily be a song
Phitaymaun said…
vicky: okie then, mucho gracias ;P

Majaz: Wouldn't help, i'm sure since most of the ones who fuck around with nasty shit don't actually die, they end up instead with rich play boy husbands looking for trophy wives and end up old and bitter and slutty even to the grave.
This one died, though and she deserved better. And to be honest out of all the 'fast women; i have known , and i haven't really known that many, she was the only one who actually deserved to be spared. But well, those are the shakes, there's really no lesson in this post, just a memory... a regret perhaps.

Kay: Would you believe girls do usually take the leap and only look back right before the are abt to be plastered on the ground.

Flying Cow: Sing it...
Majaz said…

That is indeed scary.

And what good are leaps if you have to sit and think about them...

... kind of crushes the whole point of wanting to fly......

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