Time sure flies when yur having fun!

Phitaymaun's 2 today!!!
Which basically means that i've been a whiney prissy immature bitch with no back bone for 2 more years now, but hey, at least i'm consistent. And in a world where most people are fickle, i think this is an achievement. So let the bubbly sparkle away!! In one way or the other this calls for a celeberation.
This is where it all began. Which basically signifies that at some point in my life this date was looked forward to followed by a time when it was detested. Which brings us to now, wherein its my blog's birthday, which is a bit pathetic, but at least there's no hate pouring forth like bad nihari.

I still miss you though.
Maybe even love you still.

But since that's never really mattered, let's just focus on the bloggy b'day part.



Jaded said…
welcome to the age of the terrible two's and the terrorizing toddlers! :)
junoesque said…

mubaarkan soneyo...

*bawls over the fact that you didnt let me blow the candles while the camera was still rolling and not realizing that I'm stealing your thunder* ...hehe...I was such a cry baby!
Anonymous said…
More than consistency, I see it as loyalty.

Happy Birthday to your blog! :)
Phitaymaun said…
I thank you, my blog thanks you. I amd hopeful that i will continue to be a little fucked in the head for a long long time to come so that the blog lives on and on.

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