Total AAARGH moment...

This is getting ridiculous.

By all logical calculations, I’m supposed to be well past all remorse and regret and hope by now. It’s very near been an year since you extricated your self from my life. In lieu of my past break ups I had allowed you a luxurious extension in getting over terms considering the magnitude of our association. But by all learned opinion from experienced friends and family members, by around this time all feelings are either sorted or forgotten. And you have the temerity to linger on like strong BO.


That makes me very mad. And frightened. Its so futile you know. Absolutely and utterly useless to still think of you every time I allow myself to think of married bliss. It’s unfair to picture you again and again lying next to me when I wake up from a particularly grotesque dream. To feel you holding me is such a nuisance now.

I wish you’d just stop.

Just stop being here, infested in my senses, in my dreams. Stop existing. Stop smiling at me like your smile is the only comfort I seek. Stop making that sympathetic/understanding/condescending face every time I loose.

Stop invading my residual loneliness with your scent and your touch and your memories. Stop being my anchor and my crutch and my destiny. You’re not any of that anymore. You’re nothing, Absolutely nothing. Just a faceless nameless stranger who exists in this world for someone else. That’s all you have become now and that’s all you are allowed to be. Stop please just stop and leave me the hell alone.

I don’t need you when dad goes groaning from diuretic induced cramps and needs his potassium pills. And yet when I have done the needful and find my way back down to my room in the dark I still end up thinking of how you and you alone could’ve been the one to replace me in this duty. How happy daddy would’ve been to have you handing him the glass of water and the tablet and how happy I would’ve been laying in our bed waiting for you to come back, with suppressed tears and your always beaming smile.

I don’t know why I still picture you in all my dreams, why I think of you in all my tomorrows.

But I do okay.

And it sucks.

It is just the most pathetic thing ever. I hate being this way, this fucking caught up in a past that was wonderful while it lasted, but didn’t last long enough to transform into a future. I hate it. And still you’re everywhere.

What the fuck is this woman?? God? Angels? Hello?? Is any body getting this? I need a lil 911 here!!!

This is becoming a perpetual state of existence. The closer I come to letting go of you the deeper you sink into my psyche. I don’t care anymore. I don’t wonder whether you are combing your hair in your time zone now or reading one of my letters. I don’t wonder whether you have burnt all remnants of me or do you still peek at them from time to time just to remind yourself of what never to do again. That’s all in the past. But that made sense you know. The wounds were fresh so I could indulge in a little bitterness. But now, there ain’t no freakin wound. Not even a scar. But the pain just rises out of nowhere like a long forgotten volcano erupting. You still bloody exist in the nooks and crannies of my psychosis which I fail to occupy with work and responsibility and over any other every day bull shit. Playing peek-a-boo with my head…

Its like I’m being haunted by my own dreams. One random thought leads to another which runs into another and then another and Viola, from wondering about how the GDP of china has grown over the last 5 years I find myself wondering how I would love to have you make me some tea.

I mean, when did I become this sad? I’m like that asshole in a movie that makes all the women go awwwww, and all the men go, ‘loser’. When the hell did this happen? When did I metamporphosize from the hero to the forlorn side kick? And why the hell am I being so overly dramatic about this anyway?

I’ll tell you why.

Because no matter how occupied I become with mundane existence. No matter how dad’s sarcasm or mom’s sad faces upset me, how much I worry about my sister’s marriage falling apart. Beneath it all, buried under the dust and grime and smog and toxic waste of every day life, I miss you.

I miss being able to just be myself with you. Being vulnerable, being breakable. Being imperfect and careless and rude and angry and passionate and lecherous and lustful and horny and insane. I let myself go. I just freaking lost control with you around. And no I'm not going to diss you for throwing it all back in my face, instead I choose to feel miserable about never being able to do it anymore. Because you can only get bit once. Its like being immunized from pain… you learn to tell when to run away very far very fast. No one else is ever going to be able to make me as unguarded as you did. Simply because now, I know better.

Fuck you.

I love you.


Zunaster said…
That was real sweet.
Arooj said…
*slap* snap out of it.
Phitaymaun said…
arian: HAIN?????

Arooj: heh, this is old... well not all that old, abt 2 odd months or so. Khair, thought i cud post it up now without people slapping me out of a slef wallowing, memory run trance that i'm not in. But damnit!
discopapaya said…
its ok to be human sometimes.


but echoing arooj, there has to be a point when you will snap out of it.

not now, not tomorrow, but soon enough.

or youll just love her forever. and that kinda sucks now doesnt it?

perfectly imperfect..
just muttering said…
2mths ago huh..are you still in that place?
this almost bought me to tears..not just your writing (which is brill ofcourse) but that this might be me in one yrs time or even worse it might be him..... seems terrifying yet so logical does one move on does one forget.... fuck.. now im depressed .... :(
Phitaymaun said…
sam: aw crap... didn't mena to depress anyone yaar. I'm sorry. Cheer up.
I am here in this moment once in a while but than it passes. But the truts is that believingw hat i believe about teh natur eof love i prefer being in this moment where i belong to someone i want to belong to instead of convention and circumstance and society etc. So you, i'm a freak. I'm a masochist, it doens't mean that you or him are gonna feel this way ever really, our lives, expereinces reactions are what set us apart. So really, dun let someone else's neurotic rambling get you down. Fact is that we live in a world that doens't allow much time r space for mourning. Sooner or later you learn to cope. Mayeb some of us never get over the loss of love....but we all let go. Sooner or later, even our hearts start listening to our minds and we let go, knowing, understanding that wahst is more logical and prudent. So you know just giev it time, everything sorts itself out.
I'm sorry again. Really am.
beknighted: self preservation! you won't, in fact can't stay here forever...that having been said in my experience the older you get the harder it is to deal with heart yea :S

just muttering: i have a friend who's going through the same thing...she's a tough cookie...and a great person otherwise too. multifaceted personality and all that...she won't give herself time to brood over her breakup for too long...she's built to be a happy person that's all. : ) .. just want to say that it does all end

Good luck.. . talk to your friends if it gets too crazy in your head..!
beknighted you're not alone in being a masochist: ) there's a little bit of that in all of us...otherwise no one would ever brood over a spoiled relationship...just move on instead...
meshwork said…
i know its difficult ... if u think u'd forget her in a couple of mnths , ur mistaken ..u loved her buddy will take time ...thts good .. it shd take time .., and when ppl say they've moved on, just after a couple of days ,they are either lieing to themselves or were never really in love ..
give it time..and try to accept one thing ..if u guys are meant to be ..God will bring you together ..and if ur not together .. thts probably coz God's planned something else for you .. iwont say sthg better because i know at this point of time ur probably thinking wht cud be better then wht u guys had..but just wait .. there is definitely sthg waitng for you ...just keep your eyes open..all the best !
Phitaymaun said…
Lady: i'm being morose, not stupid.

Dp: i snap in and out, like a bra strap. Have sorted it all out, gone over all the options, and i'm satisfied where i am, if not happy. NO one is ever trully happy anyway so i have stopped wanting that.

Goldie: Ma man, there are degrees of masochism. Sure i don't cut myself to pieces with a knife for whatever reasons, but dude you have no idea what i put my self through, knowing full well the emotional toll i will have to pay for it. And thankyou for not telling me that it wasn't meant to be and other such cliched crap.

Mehwish: Thankyou for making up for goldie neglecting to add the necessary cliches in his comment. But yur new to this blog so you can be forgiven. Its not been months, its been an year. Yes we count our separation in years now. YEA!!!
Soon it wil be decades. Then we will be dead and this will be all for nothing. But just so you know, that the advice everyone gives isn't neccessarily teh right one. Cuz everyone is different. I choose this.
I;m not crying or suicidal or even remotely devastated. I'm pissed off, seriously pissed off but not because we 'weren't meant to be' i don't believe in that. But because someone made a concious choice to let go what was worth fighting for. That is what thsi blog is essentially about.
Its more mysogisitic than anything else.
Whatever has been has been, i like ranting about it, recording to webspace the most vulnerable moments just so i can remember that there was once a person who made me feel this way. God has too much other shit to deal with, i dun expect him to care about what happens to a relationship that was too intimate to ever be condoned anyway. So I dun even bother him with this, instead i keep a blog. And vent, and bitch and whine all the emotional redundancy out.
But eitehr way, fact is that whenever a stranger takes the tiem out to give advice i find my faith in the basic kindness of humanity restored. Even if its more or less the same advice that every kind heart has given before. It is still appreciated.
So thanks for caring, but i don't agree with you.
meshwork said…
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meshwork said…
OOPS! ..sorry ..i hope i didnt offend you ..coz it was never the intention ... i could never know wht happened and wht didnt , coz im not the one who has gone thru it all .. so buddy ..sorry again ..
but then again you were right abt us being all different..we all have different set of ideas .. tht wht makes this world an exciting place ...rite , if we were all alike it would get really boring...
Phitaymaun said…
Mehwish, yaar, no need to apologize i'm so not offended. Its all good. Just thought that i should explain where i stand to you lest to make assumptions abt my state of being that are less than accurate, i can imagine what kind of an impression my blog works makes so, you know it was in teh name of self preservation. Fact is more often than not, what you said is exactly what a person in my position wud want to hear, but i'm kinda wierd, and its just so standard an advice that bas the entire world seems to be imparting it.
But you know, unless you put on the shoes you won't know where they pinch so honetly, NO need to apologize, k.
expressome said…
I am taking exactly this part of your post( i hope you dont mind..Im not giong to offer my condolences or know me well enough to understand that I would never do that in such a situation, id rather look at you and just reflect the tears in your eyes.
Shed some of my own while reading it.
"Because no matter how occupied I become with mundane existence...." "...Beneath it all, buried under the dust and grime and smog and toxic waste of every day life, I miss you. "

"I miss being able to just be myself with you. Being vulnerable, being breakable. Being imperfect and careless and rude and angry and passionate"

PS: The day you posted it, was the day I said it
Phitaymaun said…
the last thing i want is sympathy, or being told what to do... i'm not looking for advice, or condolence... i've had enough of that.
So thankyou for being who you are which prevents you form dictating a course of action that you may have no experience with anyway. Spewing forth cliched advice like a self help article in a news paper.
You are welcome to use whatever you want form what i have said. Its the most gracious reward for my catharsis, to be help you say what you want to say....

P.s: One hell of a day huh?
discopapaya said…
i dont know what im doing back here.. i was scrolling down for no apparent reason and came across this... and now i dont know what i plan to say in my comment. i dont know.

i dont know why reading htis the first time around didnt evoke the response it is at this very moment. i dont why im tying so fast- even though what im feeling cant really be put into words.

if you look closely, theres half a tear in my right eye.

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