
wierd things are happening!
I can't write.
I mean i can, but everytime i sit down to write i end up composing page after page after page of what could eventually be a novel. But i never even get that far either.
Right now, theres one 7 page story waiting for culmination and i've started off another that was supposed to be an ode to my spartan car, but has spawned into another almost 7 page long incomplete excercise in fiction. As if that wasn't bad enough, i started reading Maps for Lost lovers which sux.
The author is trying so hard to be profound that he is ending up being utterly boring, he should read kartography, learn form someone who's actually interesting.
Anyway, so for some reason i find myself unable to compose anything blog worthy because everything i write is turning out to be too long to be posted. Toyed with the idea of putting some of the unfinished work up here to atleast get comments on them in the hope that they will be bad enough to dissuade me from pursuing atleast the naughty one further. But I doubt that anyone will be willing to go through 7 pages of a story that doesn't end. So instead i decided to copy other blogs by purging my system. . .
And even as i write this, i feel an irrepressible need to get back to work on the latest story that i have started writing. Knowing full well that in another page or two i will run out of things to say and leave it abaondoned in limbo.
Every writer knows and hates writer's block. What the hell do you call this?


discopapaya said…
mid writers block maybe?

expressome said…
I started reading maps for lost lovers about 2 months back...didnt like it at all....writing style sux....ure right...hmm...strangely....i told the person whom i was discussing the book with that the author should get a copy of Kartography...
now im getting a little freaked too....how do coincidences turn out to be so freaky?

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