The menu

Disappointment for breakfast.
Nothing sucks more than losing out on an opportunity because you got carried away with it. Who ever thought that wanting something badly could result in you not getting it.

Depression for lunch.
Take left over dissapointment and an over dose of nictoene, add a spattering of disgust and a dash of organic, every day, honest to goodness helplessness, and viola!

Anger for dinner.
And just when you thought this day couldn't get any worse, fate goes and rips you a new A-hole.
So you chew your own gums away with nothing else to do, because everything you had tried so hard to not believe goes , Fuck you asswipe, i told you so. What the hell else are you left to do but have anger for dinner.

Wotta day.
This goes down in infamy as one of thr worst.
And to think friday's were usually my nemesis.
Wednesday too now shall be feared.




wednesdays are historically shitty, ill luck to many, good luck only to druids. And what did druids know? Other than how to get stuck in trees.

Indigestion post hunger. Sleeplessness because of both. Shouldnt and wont complain, but...

dammit. You know. Where the fuck are you?

And if I wasn't sure you would gag or throw a shoe at me, I would say only you would take a fucked up situation and write a damn well structured post on it.

Fuck it. Throw the shoe. Just hold onto it and follow the damn trajectory.
expressome said…
hope u feel better soon. thats all i can say, nothing i would say would magically make things better. been where u r just yesterday.
Anonymous said…
oh yaaaar..... sudhar ja! (slap)

somethings in life just never change yeah? suck u back in right when u think uve escaped. grrrr.
Ozair said…
how many such days have passed... i loose count... brrrr... :)
Anonymous said…
more words of wisdom please...a remedy perhaps?

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