Precious says:

by the way

Precious says:

you're making me come off an evil witch

Precious says:

stop doing that

Precious says:

people hate your ex

...Just A caNdLe BurnInG OuT says:

i'm not making u come off as anything

Precious says:

i hate your ex

...Just A caNdLe BurnInG OuT says:

people will perceive what they will

...Just A caNdLe BurnInG OuT says:

i hate my ex too

Doesn’t everybody hate their exes?

It kinda goes with the title I would think.

One wouldn’t be an ex if there hadn’t been some love lost.

And yet, sometimes, you still do love them. You still look back in wistful memory at the one that flew the coup. Sometimes you wonder why it all went to take a shit and never came back.

Sometimes, you still long for the touch of a particular hand, the image of a particular reflection, the fragrance of a particular skin. Sometimes every face you see becomes the one face you really want to see; sometimes all your truth becomes a lie just so you can at least try to rekindle a dying flame. Sometimes you fool yourself into believing that the future can converge with the past and become the path you once wanted to travel. Even when you know that even if it did it would still run headlong into a ditch. Because you know how wrong you had become for each other. Because you know that the lives that you wanted for yourselves were not even remotely compatible with the lives you wanted for each other. Because you learnt that the misery you battled with yourself was too much to bear for the other. Because you know when the one you’re fighting even yourself for gives up the fight, there’s nothing left to fight for. Because you know that the wounds that have been inflicted on both hearts can be overshadowed but never overcome. Because you know that love may last forever but patience doesn’t, ideals don’t, passion doesn’t. Because you know that the love you believed in is yours alone to harbor.

Yet, sometimes, only sometimes; you still do love them.

Very much.


naked feet said…

and on a less dramatic note i linked to you, hope you don't mind.

and oops first comment again. i hope you don't think i'm blog stalking you :)
naked feet said…
i'd be a leetal hesitant to marry someone with mpd if i were you :)

and its degrading for men too!? whats so degrading!? its the women who have to be stripped and analyzed by the mothers and sisters and cousins husbands mothers cousin twice removed.
BaptizedLucifer said…
this comes on the same lines of being able to fgive.. but never being able to forget... why is it so easy to forget complez math formulas and not other stuff? :|

haha everyone hates their ex's... atleast that's what they always SAY... but we know they don't =) its prolly some defense/slef protection mechanism by the brain to not let u think about it and feel all miserable again. :-/
just muttering said…
friggin hell...ur posts are seriously abt to make me cry... once again you write really really well.

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